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Tech Blog

Lonely Planet at Nodevember 2015

We're excited here at Lonely Planet to be sponsoring one of Nashville's largest tech conferences coming up November 14-15, 2015! The keynotes from household names Yehuda Katz, Douglas Crockford, and Ed Finkler should be amazing. This year they're prediciting close to 500 attendees.

Be sure to give shout outs to the 3 organizers, William Golden, Jason Myers, and Kevin Old. Those guys have been working hard to make Nodevember 2015 even bigger than last year.

Early bird tickets are still on sale now, register at http://nodevember.org. The conference will take place at Libscomb University. Other sponsors include, Walmart, HCA, Leankit, EventBright, Modulus, Lipscomb, Jet Brains, and Stratasan.

You can see videos from last year on Nodevember's Youtube Channel. Look for LP Devs in our Lonely Planet t-shirts and say hey.
